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I live in Queenstown, New Zealand. My work is about acting now for a better future. I am very interested in exponential tech and exponential environmental impacts and have completed research in this area. Frameworks and systems thinking guide my work towards positive societal and economic change. I put this into action as an elected representative on the Otago Regional Council and also through facilitating Leadership for Change programmes at CapableNZ. In this Blog, I mostly try to detail my work as a councillor. My focus is to support understanding of what regional councils do and to try and engage people in an important political process that impacts everyday life. Go to the blog tab to catch up on the latest goings on or search for your interest area. 

I do, as time permits, also ocassionally write about my experiences in exploring systems thinking and exponential change. My older blogs focus on these subjects.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

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